Join our call next Wednesday to hear our plans to fight back against attacks on our public health system, as we work towards the reintroduction Medicare for All in Congress.

NNU - Medicare for All!

Right now, the political landscape is rapidly changing and we’re witnessing a lot of changes in federal health care policy and public health, all while people continue to struggle due to our broken, for-profit health care system.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could be confirmed as Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services this week, and we’re anticipating the confirmation hearing soon for Dr. Oz, who Trump nominated to oversee the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

The American Prospect: Dr. Oz and the Stealth Destruction of Medicare. The TV doctor’s scams and fake cures are the least of what makes him so dangerous as Trump’s appointee to head Medicare and Medicaid.

Dr. Oz is a dangerous choice for this role given his past promoting unproven medical cures and selling weight loss products, but most concerning is his longtime support for Medicare Advantage — a type of plan offered within Medicare that is administered by private health insurers and costs the government billions of dollars more a year than traditional Medicare.

These plans cover fewer services, require prior authorizations, incentivize less care than traditional Medicare, often result in delays and denials, and worsen racial health disparities in marginalized communities. They are also enormously profitable to the for-profit insurance industry.

If Dr. Oz is confirmed, it could mean the further privatization of Medicare and other potential changes to Medicare and Medicaid, which millions of people rely on.

We have a lot of work to do to stop these disruptive nominees and dangerous policies while fighting for the solution to our broken health care system: Medicare for All.

Join our first Medicare for All National Strategy Call of the year on Wednesday, February 12 at 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET. We’ll have speakers on the call talking about our plans to fight back against these challenges as we also work towards the reintroduction of Medicare for All legislation in Congress.

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These are turbulent times, but we can’t get discouraged or complacent. RSVP to our first call of 2025 to learn more about our national strategy, get involved, and keep up our fight for health care justice!

In solidarity,

Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All