From Paris Agreement Alert (via MoveOn Team) <[email protected]>
Subject Re: Will you sign the petition to show that Americans DO NOT support withdrawing from the Paris Agreement?
Date February 3, 2025 10:46 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Agreement. Sign the
petition to show that Americans do NOT support this decision!

Dear fellow MoveOn member,

It's been just over a week since Donald Trump withdrew the United States
from the Paris Agreement—again. This comes on the heels of news that 2024
was the hottest year on record, featuring life-threatening heat waves,
flooding, and unprecedented wildfires.^1

[ [link removed] ]We can't accept Trump's decision rooted in climate denialism. Sign our
petition now saying that we do NOT sign on to abandoning the Paris

Wildfires are still burning in Los Angeles, a devastating reminder that
extreme weather events and climate disasters are not only here to stay,
but also becoming dramatically worse—and beyond the human toll, they cause
billions of dollars of damage.^2

Trump's decision is also deeply unpopular—just 2 in 10 Americans support
quitting the Paris Agreement, yet he continues to prioritize the interests
of the fossil fuel industry over our health, safety, and future.^3 It's
clear the vast majority of us understand what's at stake, and we have to
speak up now.

Trump's choice to abandon critical climate goals is an objectively
reckless move that disavows our country's moral responsibility to fight
climate change; the U.S. can't step back from climate progress—it's common
sense that tackling this crisis requires a globally united front.

[ [link removed] ]Trump is turning his back on the majority of Americans who are
vulnerable to these escalating climate impacts. There's never been a more
important moment to advance global climate justice, and we MUST stay
committed to the Paris Agreement. If you're with us, add your name now!

–Patrick McHeffey, MoveOn member
Founder at We Sign On

P.S. Check out the email I sent last week for more details about what's at


1. "Planet recorded hottest year in 2024, broke key 1.5 degree Celsius
threshold," PBS, January 10, 2025
[link removed]

2. Ibid. 

3. "Do US adults support Trump's Day 1 actions? Here's what polling
shows," AP News, January 20, 2025
[link removed]


[ [link removed] ]As extreme weather events worsen, we can't accept Donald Trump's
executive order once again pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement.
Sign the petition now!

Dear fellow MoveOn member,

Donald Trump issued an executive order directing the U.S. to withdraw from
the Paris Agreement, again, on his first day in office—a reckless decision
for the future of our planet. Instead of committing to the legally binding
international treaty aimed at mitigating catastrophic climate change,
Trump has put our climate and planet again at risk. We have to take action

In 2017, I started a petition demanding that the U.S. reenter the historic
agreement, and more than 500,000 MoveOn members signed it. Together, we
built momentum that led President Biden to recommit the United States in
2021. Now, it's up to us to speak out again.

The Paris Agreement represents a global promise by governments to fulfill
their moral obligation by restoring and preserving our most foundational
right—the right to a livable planet. As the leader of the world's
second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, Trump made a decision that
struck a devastating blow to the global effort to protect future

[ [link removed] ]With Trump's return to the White House, experts fear he will move us
backward yet again, throwing international climate efforts into chaos.
Will you sign my petition to show the overwhelming public opposition to
withdrawing from the Paris Agreement?

Every tenth of a degree of warming brings more and more dangerous
outcomes—from hotter days to increased wildfire risks.^4 We've seen the
heartbreaking toll of climate change firsthand, from the unprecedented Los
Angeles wildfires to record-breaking hurricanes across the Atlantic.
Without immediate action to reduce emissions, millions will suffer, with
the poorest nations bearing the heaviest burden.

[ [link removed] ]Remaining committed to the Paris Agreement is not just common sense,
it's also a moral obligation—to Americans and the entire world. Sign the
petition NOW to demonstrate that we refuse to move backward on climate

It is we, the people—acting with hope, clarity, and purpose—who must fight
for a livable planet! Add your name to show public support for the Paris

[7]Sign the petition

Trump's history of climate denialism is well documented. In the aftermath
of Hurricane Helene last fall, which devastated communities, left millions
without power, and claimed hundreds of lives, Trump called climate change
"one of the biggest scams."^5,6

And we know Trump will fight tooth and nail to roll back key environmental
protections—he's shown time and time again that he is more interested in
protecting polluting industries than he is in safeguarding our future. In
his inauguration speech, Trump renewed his promise to Big Oil to reverse
Biden's protections against toxic drilling, stating "We will drill, baby,

Nearly every nation worldwide signed the Paris Agreement in 2014,
committing to the express goal of limiting global temperature rise to well
below 2° C, and ideally below 1.5° C.^8

[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition to OPPOSE Trump's decision to interrupt our
commitment to climate progress—and show your continued commitment to fight
for a healthier future for generations to come.

Right now, deadly wildfires are raging across the Western United States,
destroying entire neighborhoods, displacing families, and leaving
communities in ruins overnight. Extreme weather events like this are
exactly why it's so disastrous that Trump is abandoning our commitment to
the historic Paris Agreement.

The climate crisis knows no borders, and when one of the biggest polluters
pulls back from its responsibilities, it sends a dangerous signal to other
nations. The domino effect could undermine the collective global effort to
avert disaster, wreaking climate and economic havoc, and upending the
lives of millions of people across the planet.

This is not just a call to action; it is a declaration. Together, we will
lead, innovate, and inspire at every level—from households to city halls,
from small businesses to state capitals.

[ [link removed] ]We've won this battle before, and I know we can do it again. Click here
to sign the petition and share with three friends who care about our
climate and the Paris Agreement.

Thanks for all you do.

–Patrick McHeffey, MoveOn member
Founder at We Sign On


4. "What is the Paris climate agreement and why has Trump withdrawn?" BBC
News, January 21, 2025
[link removed]

5. "How Hurricane Helene became a deadly disaster across 6 states,"
University of South Carolina, October 7, 2024
[link removed]

6. "Trump sparks controversy for calling climate change a 'scam' as
Hurricane Helene leaves trail of destruction," Independent, September 30,
[link removed]

7. "'Drill Baby, Drill': Donald Trump Declares U.S. Energy Emergency,"
Forbes, January 21, 2025
[link removed]

8. "What is the Paris climate agreement and why has Trump withdrawn?" BBC
News, January 21, 2025
[link removed]

You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you.
It was created on, where anyone can start their own online
petitions. You can [ [link removed] ]start your own petition here.

Want to support MoveOn's work? Donald Trump and his MAGA allies expect us
to give up. But we will not give them what they want. We will never stop
working to defend our fundamental freedoms and protect our democracy.
MoveOn has been leading the movement against right-wing extremism for 26
years, and we promise you that we will still be here every step of the way

Will you donate to power MoveOn's work to protect our freedoms and
democracy under Trump's administration?

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