Hey John,
The progress towards a generation free of HIV stigma is at risk. Now more than ever, we must claim our power and lead the way.
I’d like you to join me as a 2025 National Youth HIV & AIDS Day Ambassador. Last year, 49 other young people and I worked in our communities to share factual sexual health information, organized actions to address the impact of HIV & AIDS on youth, and created community spaces for healing and reflection.
I partnered with a local health center, CrescentCare, to bring my Historically Black College & University (HBCU), Dillard University, at-home HIV testing kits to emphasize the importance of knowing your status and prioritizing care.
This year, you can be one of 50 young people (ages 13-24, of any gender) for the program. Ambassadors will be trained in HIV advocacy and community engagement to promote a message of prevention, treatment, and care. Selected Ambassadors will receive a $150 stipend.
🔍 Not 13-24? Or do you know a young person who would be good for this? Send them this email or the link to the application! Applications must be in by February 7th.
In solidarity,
NYHAAD Ambassador & member of YouthResource