This is a time for making choices which will shape our future. We’re campaigning to tackle the post-lockdown economic crisis together with the climate crisis. Please show your support by chipping in today.

Hi John,

We’re at a turning point in history. Each one of us will carry the impacts of this pandemic into our post-lockdown future. But we’re not all affected in the same way.

The pandemic has a lot in common with the climate crisis. It’s global in scope. Marginalised people and communities are the most impacted - low-wage and care workers, people of colour, migrants. And the coal, oil and gas industry is still pushing politicians to put profit before people – angling for bailouts.

At 350, we’re now working to get our governments to tackle the two crises together. This bold idea of a just, green, resilient recovery starts with people coming together, to stand for each other and for a better future. We need to build back better.

We’re beginning this crucial, long-term effort in uncertain times. That’s why today I’m asking you to help power our campaigns for a green, just, fossil free recovery that leaves no one behind - by chipping in whatever you can.

Tap to donate any amount in 3 easy and secure steps.

We know this might seem like a strange moment to ask for money. 350, like the climate movement, is powered by people. Our promise is to keep campaigning together for a fossil free world. But the future we’re now just starting to imagine must be different from business as usual. The climate crisis will not wait until we’ve sorted out the economic fallout of the pandemic. We need to tackle them together.

At 350, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been adapting our plans and strategies to make sure our community intervenes wherever it’s most needed. 

We’ve been:

But that’s just a beginning. In the coming weeks and months we want to do so much more. We will raise the pressure on the people who are currently making decisions about our future: our governments, MPs, central bankers. We’ll strengthen partnerships with groups across campaign issues and borders - from nurses to parents to climate scientists - to build support for a green just recovery from the ground up. We’ll work with journalists and activists to expose and fight injustices in the UK, in Europe, and beyond.

John, we have an ambitious and bold plan, and now we need you to show your support. Please, make a donation today - to show you’re in this with the rest of us, and to help sustain our community as we keep raising our voices for a Green New Deal and a just recovery.

Tap to donate any amount in 3 easy and secure steps.

Thank you so much for being a part of this community.

In solidarity,

Julia and Ellen for the entire 350 team

PS: These are difficult times. Many of us lost our jobs and livelihoods. We understand if you’re not in a position to donate, or would rather take a break from seeing requests for donations. Instead of unsubscribing, please let us know by filling this quick form, and we’ll take note! is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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