From Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers <[email protected]>
Subject Stand against Communist China!
Date February 3, 2025 8:38 PM
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Hi John,

Do you believe in allowing the Communist Chinese government to buy land in Arizona? ([link removed])

How about sensitive land, near military bases and other locations critical for national security?

WELL THEY ARE. The Communist Chinese government is buying up that land- and who knows what they want to do with it.

In Arizona alone, they have purchased at least 10,000 acres of land, according to USDA. That land is connected to Mexican drug cartels also- the Communists produce fentanyl through the cartels, who then launder the money by buying American farmland.

Maine Wire has more:

The Daily Mail has released a new map breaking down the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) most recent data on Chinese ownership of U.S. farmland, which has seen a dramatic increase since 2010.

“The Mexican cartels are dropping off millions in cash from the sale of poisonous drugs to the Chinese criminals and the cash is being used in many cases to buy this real estate,” said former DEA Special Operations Director Derek Maltz on X.

The new map breaks down USDA data showing foreign ownership of agricultural land as of the end of 2022, which showed that foreign companies owned roughly 3.4 percent of all agricultural land in the U.S., and two percent of all the country’s total land.

A large amount of that land is owned by foreign adversaries, including China.
I actually put forward a similar bill last session, which passed out of committee but did not become law.

This year, I have SB1109, which I expect to pass the Senate.

Now, last time, it encountered issues because I included anyone who is a MEMBER of the Chinese Communist Party in the exclusion from buying land.

At the time, people said that wasn't necessary.

Now though, In light of the Chinese nationals streaming across the border with the fentanyl, the issue is different.

Even more so, because the Communist Party USA is actually now active here in Arizona.... AND THEY ELECTED MEMBERS TO THE ARIZONA LEGISLATURE!

I can't believe that, in this day and age, we are still here fighting for freedom against the Communists.

I can't believe the Chinese Communists are buying up AZ farmland that requires passage of my bill to stop them.

I can't believe the CCP is in league with the cartels to launder money.

I can't believe the Dems elected ACTUAL COMMUNISTS to our state legislature.... oh, maybe I CAN believe that one!

So I'm asking for your help. We need to pass SB1109 to protect us against the Chinese Communists buying Arizona land.

Also, I have another bill, SB1133, that requires teaching in AZ schools of the dangers of Communism and its history of murder and failure across the world. Apparently now, that is necessary.

Will you join me in giving the Chinese Communists the heave-ho from Arizona? ([link removed])

Will you help me draw needed attention to this issue- which has big implications for the fight against the cartels as well? We all know the governor has a soft spot in her heart for the cartels, so these bills will NEED your support to help me pass them into law! ([link removed])

God bless Arizona, and God bless America!
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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona Senator LD7
PS: We are Americans! We don't sell out to the Communists, we FIGHT them! Help me pass these bills to take the fight to the CCP! ([link removed])

Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
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