Mises Institute
Monday, February 3, 2025
In Defense of Free Market Radicalism
Patrick Carroll
Given the realities of state power and economic intervention, the only reasonable position for those who cherish freedom and prosperity is the radical one: a pure market economy.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Harms Those Whom It Claims to Protect
Jane L. Johnson
If President Trump is looking for a federal agency to abolish, he needs to look no further than the misnamed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Would Trump’s Plan to Replace Income Tax with Tariffs Work?
Bob Murphy analyzes President Trump’s recent remarks praising the revenue capacity of tariffs.
American Satisfaction
Opinion polls and the latest electoral results are at odds with the facts as presented by mainstream media and government statistical offices. What is going on?
Our National Security Doesn’t Depend upon Dangerous DC Helicopter Flights
Despite the claims of “national security needs,” the reason for these dangerous flights is to serve as a mundane air taxi provision for DC’s political elites.
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Companies Don’t “Pass the Cost of Tariffs on to Consumers”
Tariffs impart a new cost on producers. That new cost does not change the market price directly, as it does not affect how much people value the items being consumed.
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New Orleans and Blowback?
What answer explains the heinous attack in New Orleans while making the fewest logical leaps? Perhaps it is another instance of the unintended costs of the global War on Terror.
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America’s Experiment in Zero-Gravity Finance
Jim Grant presented this talk at the 40th Anniversary Supporters Summit in Phoenix, Arizona, in October 2022.
Profit and Loss
In Profit and Loss, Mises explains how cost accounting is the critical institution that ferrets out social waste, ensures that resources are directed to their most highly valued ends, and how entrepreneurs respond to price signals. His presentation is systematic, relentless, logical, and ultimately devastating to the opponents of profit and loss.
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