The story begins with the anarchic forces of nature creating the land and the cooperative indigenous communities that thrived before the European conquest.
Next we see the revolt against domination through the Enslaved Peoples’ Uprising of 1811, the rise of maroon communities, the work of figures such as anarchist geographer Elisée Reclus and utopian revolutionary Joseph Déjacque, and the moving history of labor militancy—exemplified by the First International, the General Strike of 1892, and the rise of the Industrial Workers of the World.
The anarchic aspects of jazz are explored, including its birthplace, the famous red-light district of Storyville. Other episodes recount the history of the Black Panthers, including the legendary shootout in the Desire Project, and the important role anarchists played in the grassroots recovery after Hurricane Katrina.
The often-subversive People’s Carnival is depicted, from the history of the Mardi Gras Indians through today’s anarchist marching Krewes. The book concludes with the recent struggle to take down the confederate monuments, and the growth of a decentralized, autonomous mutual aid movement.