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A free press helps safeguard the public by delivering facts we all rely on. From the local radio stations that updated Californians on the wildfires as they rampaged through Los Angeles to the investigative reporters in Mexico risking their lives to expose criminal collusion, journalists are essential in helping make liberty meaningful and the threats against it manifest.
The need to defend these liberties has never been greater. Open hostility toward journalists from public officials is fueling online harassment globally and creating fertile ground for spurious lawsuits designed to silence the press. Arrests and killings of journalists are at record highs globally.
We must act now to protect the essential role of a free press here in the United States in holding power to account--and we're deeply grateful to you for standing with us. In the coming months, we'll keep you updated on how we're addressing emerging challenges in the U.S., but for now, here's how we're responding:
Safety Training and Assistance: Last year, we trained over 800 U.S.-based journalists on physical and digital security and legal protections alongside partner organizations such as IWMF, PEN America and RCFP, and we are ramping up this work in 2025.
Immediately after the election, we convened nonprofit newsrooms to help provide advice on legal threats and digital and physical safety, connecting 125 organizations with expert advice. This work will grow in 2025, and we have already held three safety trainings for U.S. newsrooms since the beginning of the year. This includes a new training series being conducted in partnership with the National Writers Union's Freelance Solidarity Project, the first of which was led by colleagues at the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP), which focused on training freelance journalists on legal safety. We are working to establish a Journalist Safety Hub with key partners to make it easier for journalists and newsrooms to access safety resources and critical assistance when they need it.
Amplifying Local Journalists Internationally: The incoming administration has made clear its willingness to litigate against reporters and newsrooms, setting a tone that emboldens others to do the same. We have seen several lawsuits in recent years, particularly at state and local levels, where officials have sought to use litigation to silence criticism. Our experience shows that CPJ's international spotlight can deter such actions; in the case of the Marion County Record, our intervention helped to prompt local authorities to reconsider their approach. We will continue to monitor, report, and step in where we can have the greatest impact.
CPJ is well equipped to meet this moment. With more than 40 years of experience protecting journalists worldwide, we recognize that while the threats we are seeing in the United States and elsewhere may feel unprecedented, they are not unprecedented for CPJ.
Meeting this moment will require additional resources to support our U.S. work this year. If you would like to be a part of this critical effort, please make a gift here today.
Together, we can meet these challenges head-on and ensure that journalists can continue their vital work without fear of violence, harassment, or legal retaliation. Thank you for your unwavering support in defending press freedom--it's more critical now than ever.
Be well,
Jodie Ginsberg
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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States