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** Awakenings 2025 Gathering: Experiences Designed for You
We’re just a few weeks away from Awakenings 2025, and we’re excited to share some of the powerful experiences we’ve designed to deepen your engagement at the gathering:
A Pilgrimage for Activism and Racial Justice in Northern Virginia
Come join us for this combo driving/walking tour of historic Arlington led by Kate Denson, the National Director of Justice Programs for InterVarsity and founder ofJustice Walks DC ([link removed]) , in partnership with Bill Haley, Executive Director of Coracle ([link removed]) , our pilgrimage sponsor. Sites visited will include the original DC boundary stone, Arlington's Freedman's Village, 1960s sit-in sites and other desegregation activism, a history of displacement of residents of color during DC development, and recent historical activism. This pilgrimage will take place on Friday afternoon, March 7th. Only 10 spots are available, so secure your spot on our registration page ([link removed]) .
Why Write 2025: Discover & Energize Your Voice
A dialogical workshop about the possibilities and challenges of writing in this cultural moment.
Are you looking to discover and energize your voice as a writer? This one-day, pre-conference track of reflective learning & praxis centered on the soul, craft, and current realities of writing will create a safe space for writers who follow the way of Jesus to learn new skills, step further into their unique writing voice, and dialogue about the work of writing that is before them. Join us!
* Price: $69
* When: Wednesday, March 05th, 8:30am – 5:30pm
* Where: Columbia Baptist Church (Falls Church, VA)
* Speakers: Al Hsu (IVP), Mandy Smith (Pastor and Author), Deborah Saenz (NavPress), and Brenna Varner (100M Publishing), hosted by Chris Kamalski (Editorial Director, Missio Alliance).
Learn more here ([link removed]) . Space is limited, so register soon ([link removed]) to secure your spot for both the workshop and the conference!
The Wholeness & Beauty of Female Leaders
Free Women’s Lunch at Awakenings 2025: Friday, March 7th, 12–2pm (Reservation Required)
We’re excited to host a FREE Women’s Lunch during Awakenings 2025. This will be a time for women to connect with one another, hear from panelists, and gather at the table. Our host and sponsor, Angie Ward (Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program & Associate Professor of Leadership & Ministry at Denver Seminary ([link removed]) ), will be facilitating this space where you’ll get to hear from seasoned leaders as they reflect on “The Wholeness & Beauty of Female Leaders.” All you need to do is add the ‘Women’s Lunch experience’ to your ticket when you register to the event. Space is limited to the first 150 women who register. Grab your spot today! ([link removed])
New Paradigms for Neighborhood Church Planting
Freeing Our Imagination to Plant Differently.
You are invited to a one day pre-conference workshop facilitated by seasoned V3 Movement ([link removed]) leaders JR Woodward and Jessie Cruickshank. Together, they will explore how to rethink leadership, redesign structure, and renovate mission in service of planting neighborhood churches for a new cultural moment.
* Price: $29
* When: Wednesday, March 05th, 9:00am – 3:00pm
* Where: Columbia Baptist Church (Falls Church, VA)
* Facilitators: JR Woodward (National Director, V3) and Jessie Cruickshank (Movement Leader Executive, V3).
Learn more information here ([link removed]) and register ([link removed]) for your spot now.
** Why Stay 2025
Our 2025 Why Stay Retreat ([link removed]) is coming to the East Coast this May 12th – 16th! If you need to examine the joys and difficulties you’ve encountered throughout your ministry journey and discover new energy for your next season, your next call, or your next move, this retreat is for you.
* For more information and to register: ([link removed])
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Below are a collection of pieces from our archives that speak to the core theme of Awakenings 2025: Wholeness & Beauty in the Life of the Church. We invite you to revisit a piece as you prepare your heart for our upcoming gathering.
What Art Does: An Artmaker's Wisdom on Life and Leadership ([link removed]) | Mandy Smith (Leading Voice)
The Essential Need for Integrity in Leaders and Systems (Part 1) ([link removed]) | MaryKate Morse (Leading Voice)
Beauty in the Scratches ([link removed]) | Karina Kreminski (Featured Writer)
Walking Toward Shalom: Hospice Wisdom for a Declining Church ([link removed]) | Amanda (Mandi) Hecht (2024 Writing Fellow)
Awakening to Creation is Key for Flourishing Churches in Post-Christendom ([link removed]) | Mark Glanville (Contributor)
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** A Visio Divina for Awakenings 2025
God speaks to us in many ways – through Scripture, key relationships, and even our experiences. Visio Divina, which is Latin for “Divine Seeing,” is praying with images to listen for God’s words. It has 4 steps:
1. Examine the image slowly. Note the colors, people, places, and things. If helpful, jot down a few words that come to mind.
2. Take a second, deeper look. Where is there movement? What relationships do you see? Engage your imagination. Where are you located in this artwork? What do you see from that perspective? What deeper meaning emerges?
3. Respond to the image with prayer to God. Did this image remind you of an experience for which you’d like to offer thanksgiving or intercession to God? Offer this prayer to God and listen further.
4. Find your quiet center in Christ. Breathe deeply. Relax your shoulders, arms, and legs. Rest in this quiet. Let God pray in you, beyond words.
How does this image communicate the heart and core theme of Awakenings 2025? What are you led to pray for as you gaze upon it?
- Chris Kamalski, Editorial Director
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