From Wayne Pacelle <[email protected]>
Subject Beagles should not suffer and die in pointless animal tests
Date February 2, 2025 9:46 PM
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Dear friend,
Very quick out of the gate in the new Congress, a bipartisan group of eight lawmakers — led by U.S. Sens. Cory Booker, D-N.J., Eric Schmitt, R-Mo., and Rand Paul, R-Ky. — has reintroduced the FDA Modernization 3.0. That’s the same band of lawmakers with a commitment to reform animal testing in the United States who worked to pass the same bill in the Senate last month.
Unfortunately, leaders of the U.S. House didn’t pass that Senate measure before the Congress completed its work for the year, even though the House bill, led by Reps. Buddy Carter, R-Ga., and Nanette Barragan, D-Calif., had deep and broad bipartisan support. That support is waiting to be unleashed in that chamber, too, as long as House leaders give us a vote.
So we’ve restarted the process of driving forward this legislation in both the Senate and the House in 2025. Members of Congress appear to agree that the FDA must get on to the task of shedding animal tests in favor of newer, better 21st-century testing methods grounded on human biology.
But we need your help to keep the pressure on. By donating today, your support will help us mobilize efforts, push Congress to act, and finally put an end to this outdated and inhumane practice. Please consider making a gift today. [[link removed]]
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Indeed, this has been a multi-stage fight, and it’s great to see that these lawmakers are not only sticking with us but are pressing the case.
It was just more than two years ago that Sens. Paul and Booker led the effort to pass the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 to eliminate an animal-testing mandate for all new development of pharmaceutical drugs — accounting for perhaps 75 percent of all animal testing.
With that new law, we were poised to turn the page on the primitive era of inhumane but also misleading animal tests, along with the breeding and collecting of animals that precedes invasive procedures.
But the FDA, breeding labs, and too many in the scientific establishment are still working from muscle memory when it comes to animal testing. Animal testing is what they know, and they are stubbornly gripping their old instruments of pain.
The FDA is not implementing the new law as Congress demanded of it. The FDA has not, more to the point, lifted a finger to update its regulations that would allow for the use of 21st-century animal-free methods to screen and assess the safety and efficacy of new drugs.
That’s why we worked with these lawmakers to introduce the FDA Modernization Act 3.0.
There is widespread agreement among scientists and regulatory agencies that animal models are often poor predictors of the human response, with 90 to 95 percent of experimental drugs failing in humans. Drug developers are spending billions, we are generating few cures or treatments, and the lives of millions of animals, including primates and dogs, are being wasted.
We have innovative, human-relevant models that can and must be embraced to break this logjam. The FDA Modernization Act 3.0 seeks to unlock their use.
The outdated and unsustainable abuse of primates and millions of other animals for testing fits into the definition of insanity — doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The mistreatment of animals is at the center of a broken, expensive, and ineffective drug development system, which is delivering high prices for drugs and few cures for the major diseases that afflict us.
If we pass the FDA Modernization Act 3.0, we can turn the page on the primitive era of inhumane animal experiments, along with the breeding and collecting of animals that precedes invasive procedures.
Beagles, primates, and other animals remain at risk because of FDA delinquency in honoring the will of Congress. The introduction in the Senate and soon to follow in the House is designed to get the FDA in line and drive a new paradigm in drug development.
Please ask your U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative to cosponsor and to work to pass the FDA Modernization Act 3.0 THIS YEAR. [[link removed]]
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And when you have completed our simple form, please take a minute to make a call to reinforce your message and assure that your thoughts are taken into account. Dial (202) 224-3121, give the operator your ZIP Code, and tell the staffer who answers that you want this bill to pass so it can be signed into law this year.
We must turn the page on the ugly, ineffective era of animal testing for new drugs, and embrace new, humane, and innovative methods of drug development.
For all animals,
Wayne Pacelle [[link removed]] Wayne Pacelle
Animal Wellness Action
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