The U.S. Department of Education is failing.
The “Nation’s Report Card,” released last Wednesday, shows American schoolchildren are not learning more.
I knew it, and you knew it, but now the press is reporting it.
According to one news report, “Struggling students just posted their worst reading scores in over 30 years. Results from what's known as the 'Nation's Report Card' were released on Wednesday, showing that students are falling further behind in reading.”
And even the Department of Education admits it is failing.
“The U.S. Department of Education says the results are ‘heartbreaking’ and reflect an education system that is failing students despite billions of dollars in annual funding and billions spent on federal pandemic relief.”
Which leads us to question what is going on and what are you and I going to do to fix it??
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If we’re serious about cutting back on wasteful federal spending – and I sincerely hope this new administration is – one of the first things that must go is the U.S. Department of Education.
Even though it was only just created in the 1970’s, the media would have us believe children in America would be illiterate if not for the Department of Education.
In fact, the Department of Education has been a total failure to America’s kids, and they are illiterate at higher rates today than at the Department’s creation in 1979. Since then:
*** Student test scores have largely remained flat, meaning the Department is having (at best) ZERO educational impact despite its soaring budget. Not only that, but other studies reveal dropping SAT scores and literacy rates – showing we’re actually going backwards!
*** American students have dramatically fallen behind other countries in core subjects as educrats care far more about social engineering than “the three R’s.” American students rank 40th in math, 25th in science and 24th in literacy.
*** The U.S. now spends over 23% of our per capita income on our students, while countries spending far less continually outpace us.
If you’ve ever wondered why bad schools cost so much, the answer is looking you right in the face: the federal government is in charge!
Whether it’s failing “common core” standards or forcing Washington, D.C. bureaucrats’ PC ideas of “morality” on local school districts nationwide, Americans are more FED UP with federal education than I’ve ever seen.
That’s why it’s time for you and me to seize the momentum this new administration has brought – and finally END the U.S. Department of Education IMMEDIATELY!
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The good news is Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) re-introduced his bill to END the U.S. Department of Education just this past Friday. And now is the time to DEMAND ACTION.
H.R. 899 is a simple bill and just one sentence long, stating, “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2026.”
Now is the time to end Fed Ed and put our children’s and grandchildren’s education back where it belongs: in the hands of parents and local elected school boards.
Patriot, virtually since day one of its founding, every year without failure, some Republican politicians endlessly promise to END the Department of Education.
They’ve made these promises because they know that’s what conservatives want to hear.
But they never seem to get behind Congressman Massie’s efforts to force the change.
And the American people have never risen up and DEMANDED they keep their promises on education.
What if we did?
What if they finally understood how fed up we really are?
Why not right now, when the American people have given Congress a mandate to take a wrecking ball to federal spending and authoritarianism?
If you agree, will you please sign your “END the Department of Education” directive so we can deliver it to your U.S. Representative right away?
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With your help, I’m confident Campaign for Liberty can create a tidal wave of support for returning control of America’s public schools back where it belongs – with parents and local school districts elected by the people in the community.
The truth is, like so many other government disasters, the Department of Education was sold to the American people as the solution to improving American education in the 1970s.
Instead, it’s been a DISASTER in every sense of the word.
After all, what have the American people received for the nearly $70 BILLION the Department of Education rakes in every year?
The U.S. now spends over 23% of our per capita income on our students, while countries that spend far less continually outpace us. That’s an insane amount of money – and Big Government solutions made it that way!
On top of that, bureaucratic ideas like “No Child Left Behind” and “Common Core” have wrecked the curriculum by trying to shoehorn every child in America into one ugly boot that fits nobody.
The growing ranks of 4,400 Department of Education “experts” have only worked to turn local schools into indoctrination camps for Big Government.
The good news is the ranks of parents and grandparents who are finally ready to bring an end to this madness is growing like never before. It’s up to you and me to focus their anger – not on phony reform or fig leaf solutions federal educrats will push to try and placate us – but on the one solution that will actually work.
That’s ending the federal Department of Education. Demand Congress do so IMMEDIATELY!
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Breaking the federal vice grip on education will:
>>> End bureaucrats’ ability to use Department of Education handouts to entice localities to adopt unpopular and ineffective measures like Common Core;
>>> Hand control of education back to parents by giving them control over the education dollar;
>>> Allow parents to choose private or religious schools or homeschooling;
>>> Empower teachers to tailor lessons to the needs of students, instead of forcing them to comply with federal testing and other mandates;
>>> Allow local school boards to make decisions based on the needs and desires of students and parents – not the needs and desires of D.C.-based bureaucrats.
The moment is right for this. We have the mandate right now. But it won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight.
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So in addition to signing your petition, I’m hoping you’ll agree to a generous contribution of $200. I know that’s a lot to ask for. Of course, if $200 is just too much, please agree to $100, $50, or at least $25 TODAY.
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Help Campaign for Liberty seize the momentum to finally END the U.S. Department of Education!
Please sign your petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $200, $100, $50, or at least $25 IMMEDIATELY!
For Liberty,
John McCardell
Executive Director
P.S. With Americans more fed up than ever with our worsening education system – whether it’s through failing “common core” standards or forcing government bureaucrats’ idea of “morality” on school districts nationwide – it’s time to capitalize on this momentum to finally get the job done!
If you agree, please sign your END the Department of Education e-postcard telling your U.S. Representative to cosponsor Congressman Thomas Massie’s (R-KY) bill (H.R. 899) to eliminate the federal Department of Education!
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And if possible, <a>please agree to your most generous contribution of $200, $100, $50, or at least $25 as well!
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If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please <a>click here.
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If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.
Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).
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