By now, you have probably seen the video, John.

On Monday, Minneapolis police officers murdered George Floyd in broad daylight. His death was caught on video and shared across social media.

George Floyd was Black and he was unarmed. The cops stopped him on a suspected forgery charge, then killed him. This was not an accident.

Bystanders filming begged for the cop to take his knee off of George’s neck and let him breathe. For 7 minutes, including several minutes after George had stopped speaking or moving, the officer continued.

George was murdered because these officers did not respect his right to live. They didn’t feel his life mattered.

Today, the people of Minneapolis are marching for justice. We have to join them and raise our voices to call for the immediate arrest and prosecution of the four officers involved in George Floyd’s death.

Add your name to our petition today to call for the immediate arrest, charging, and prosecution of the Minneapolis police officers who killed George Floyd >>


After the video’s release caused widespread outrage in Minneapolis and across the country, the Minneapolis Police Department fired the four officers involved.

But that is not enough.

These officers murdered George Floyd. His family deserves justice. And we deserve a system of justice that shows no one is above the law.

Add your name here if you agree: the officers who killed George Floyd must be immediately arrested and prosecuted for murder >>


Thank you for raising your voice today,

— Charles

Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America