Hi friend,
A few days ago we sent you a notice that Republicans have introduced a bill that could pave the path for Donald Trump to serve a third term.
We didn’t hear from you, so we wanted to reach out personally to make sure you didn’t miss our message.
It’s critical that every grassroots supporter uses their voice to stand in opposition to this dangerous violation of our Constitution and democratic norms.
We’re counting on you to add your name to our “Say NO to a Third Donald Trump Term” petition as soon as possible – please sign on now »
We’ve attached the former message below for your convenience.
Thank you so much,
The New Dems Team
Did you see this!?

Last week, House Republicans introduced a bill that could pave the path for Donald Trump to serve a third term – disregarding the Constitution.
With Trump already testing the limits of his power through a flood of executive orders, this bill would further expand his authority and violate our Constitution and norms!
We can’t let this happen. That’s why we’re calling on strong Democrats to say NO to a third Donald Trump term and reject this blatant power grab – can you add your name now? »
-New Dems