Friend --
I hope you were able to enjoy a meaningful Memorial Day weekend. I wanted to share the reflections published earlier this week by six veterans who are now running for Congress. Read what they had to say about courage in our politics on this solemn holiday.
Even in this polarized political climate, Americans on both sides of the aisle agree that we need more leaders to act courageously. Veterans of the military have a unique perspective on that virtue. On Memorial Day, they took some time to reflect on its many forms: the courage of the generations of American war fighters who died defending our freedoms. The courage of their friends and loved ones to continue serving in the face of unimaginable loss. The courage of the essential workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis.
As many of us return to our daily routines, I hope you, like us, will find inspiration in this movement of leaders who are answering the call to serve again through politics.
In service,
Emily Cherniack
Founder & Executive Director