Breaking News from Newsmax.com

Breaking News from Newsmax.com

Trump: Venezuela Agrees to Accept Illegals From US

Special: Unlock Prophetic Insights & Miraculous Transformations! Don't Miss Sid Roth's Newsmax Special – Sunday, Feb. 2 at 9 PM ET!

Elon Musk's DOGE Gets Access to Treasury Systems

US Pilot Messaging System Outage Could Trigger Delays




On this It’s Supernatural! sixty-minute NEWSMAX SPECIAL PROGRAM, Sid Roth’s first guest is Joshua Giles! Joshua is a MODERN-DAY PROPHET with a proven track record of accuracy! High government officials and business leaders seek his counsel. If there’s JUST ONE program you absolutely should watch this New Year, THIS is the ONE!

Tune in on Newsmax, Sunday, February 2nd at 9 pm ET.

Next, Sid’s guest Ross Johnston shares his incredible story. Born through artificial insemination, he was raised by lesbian mothers, never knew his father, and didn’t hear about God or Jesus until he was 16 years old. He later fell into porn addiction. But now… transgender people and satanists experience freedom when they meet Ross! Find out how… and discover your own destiny like Ross did!

Watch on Newsmax, Sunday, February 2nd at 9 pm ET. Then… set a reminder for the first Sunday of every month at the same time so you don’t miss a single life-altering episode of It’s Supernatural! with Sid Roth.

Watch The Replay

Discover powerful spiritual insights and prophetic strategies in Joshua Giles' Prophetic Reset book, Aftershock 2-CD set, and The Art of Warfare bonus CD. These resources will equip you to realign with God's divine plan, unlock the prophetic within you, and face the future with supernatural strength and wisdom.