From Bayly <[email protected]>
Subject finally, some good news!
Date February 1, 2025 11:36 PM
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<p>I’ve been waiting literally <em>forever</em> for this.<br><br>

<strong>I just filled out the paperwork to register to vote in the next election!</strong><br>

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You know as well as me that every vote counts, and in the next election, one of those votes is gonna be little not-old me!!!
I was too young to vote in last year’s election, but trust me, that’s the LAST election I’ll be missing. I can already picture my future collection of ‘I VOTED’ stickers.
<strong>ButJohn, I’m not just sitting around waiting for Election Day.</strong>
I’ve already spent years working with Voters of Tomorrow to mobilize Gen Z. Last year’s election is only one more reason to double down on our efforts to show young voters what’s at stake at the polls.
We’re planning massive outreach projects on high school and college campuses nationwide to build an informed and unified coalition of young voters, but we need the support of adults like you to fund our important work.
<strong>We’re not professional fundraisers, John. We’re students dedicating our time to what we know best – building a winning coalition of young voters united against the far right’s anti-youth agenda.</strong>

<p><strong><a href="[link removed] style="color: #1155cc;font-size: 16px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank"><u>So, can you give $27 today to help us mobilize our peers to stand up to extremism like never before, and be ready for the next time we vote – especially if it’s our first?</u></a></strong></p>

<center><p style="font-size: 14px"><em>If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:</em></p></center>

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<p>Thank you,<br><br>


<em>Voters of Tomorrow</em></p>

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<td align="center" style="font-family:'Verdana', 'Arial', sans-serif; color: #000000; font-size: 17px; line-height: 140%;"><strong><span style="font-size: 23px;"><br>👋 <em>BEFORE YOU GO</em> 👋</span></strong><br><br />Voters of Tomorrow is the largest Gen Z-founded and Gen Z-led organization, working to register new Gen Z voters and turn them out in 2025... And we solely rely on grown ups like you to fund our efforts!<br><br><strong>John, can we count on you to invest in Gen Z and our future, and make a contribution before closing this email?</strong><br>

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<strong><em><span style="background-color: #ffd966">Want to maximize your impact? Become a monthly donor&nbsp;today!</span></em></strong><br><br>

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<p align="center" style="margin-top: 10px;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;">Voters of Tomorrow<br />
2045 W Grand Ave.<br />
Ste B PMB # 31638<br />
Chicago, Illinois 60612-1577<br />
United States</p>
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