Weekend News, Information and Resources for the Public
Weekend Update Banner Feb 1 [ [link removed] ]
*Feb. 1, 2025*
News, Information and Resources for the Public
todays updates
Nonprofits and Houses of Worship can Apply for Federal Assistance [ [link removed] ]
Private nonprofits and faith-based groups that were impacted by the Los Angeles County Wildfires may be eligible for *FEMA Public Assistance* to help restore their damaged or destroyed facilities.
*How to apply*
* Applicants should first create a *Unique Entity ID *at SAM.GOV [ [link removed] ] to officially register their organization to apply for grants or loans from the federal government
* Next, submit a *Request for Public Assistance* by Sunday, March 9, 2025 to the *FEMA Grants Portal [ [link removed] ]*
Organizations should also apply with the U.S. Small Business Administration [ [link removed] ] for a low-interest disaster loan.
FEMA Update Feb 1 [ [link removed] ]
*FEMA Relief [ [link removed] ] *
Residents seeking financial help after the devastation of the wildfires can request FEMA assistance here [ [link removed] ]. *The deadline to apply is March 10, 2025*.
*Appeal a FEMA Decision [ [link removed] ]*
* Those who have already applied to FEMA may have received a denial letter. Be advised that FEMA’s first determination may not be the final decision. Residents have the right to appeal any FEMA decision or award amount. To learn more about options and what to do next, click here [ [link removed] ].
*Right of Entry Form Submissions Continue [ [link removed] ]*
Residents must choose whether to *opt-in* or *opt-out* of the free nonhazardous debris removal program. Those with questions can call the* Fire Debris Hotline*, or get help completing the form at *(844) 347-3332. *In-person assistance is also available at the Disaster Recovery Centers [ [link removed] ] open 9 AM to 8 PM. The deadline to submit the Right of Entry form [ [link removed] ] is March 31, 2025.
ROE Dashboard feb 1 [ [link removed] ]
*Find an Assistance Center* [ [link removed] ]
*Hotline Help With Animals* [ [link removed] ]
FAQs banner [ [link removed] ]
Read our latest FAQs [ [link removed] ] on the different parts of the fire debris removal process including:
Right of Entry forms [ [link removed] ]
Phase 1 hazardous debris cleanup [ [link removed] ]
Phase 2 general debris removal [ [link removed] ]
community meetings
"Monday, Feb. 3 at 4 PM"
*Altadena Recovery Community Meeting with LA County Supervisor Kathryn Barger*
Supervisor Barger will discuss the latest information on recovery resources for the Altadena community.
* To submit questions for the town hall, click here [ [link removed] ].
* To view the town hall, click here [ [link removed] ].
"Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 9:30 AM"
*LA County Arts and Culture Forum: Wildfire Response and Resources Virtual Webinar [ [link removed] ]*
Working with local, state, and federal agency partners, staff from the Department of Arts & Culture will share wildfire emergency resources, relief funds, and information for artists, creative workers, arts organizations, and creative small businesses.
* To sign up and attend the webinar, click here [ [link removed] ].
Disaster Recovery Center Locations Feb 1
*_Photos & Videos_*
* For the latest fire response and recovery photos from LA County, *please visit our Flickr [ [link removed] ] page*.
* For the latest videos on fire response and recovery, *please visit our YouTube [ [link removed] ] page*.
click here for a full list of recovery resources [ [link removed] ]
Bookmark and Share [ [link removed] ]
[link removed]
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