Hi John, It’s almost Groundhog Day! Do you think the groundhog will see his shadow tomorrow? Personally, I’m hoping he doesn’t, because then (if you believe the legend) we can expect an “early” spring! But whether or not "Punxsutawney Phil" predicts an early spring tomorrow, today marks another important “early” event right here in Oregon – we’re almost at the end of our Early Bird registration window for our annual pro-life event, Together We Advocate! Our Early Bird rates, which are only available through February 4th, are as follows:
(registration cost includes lunch) These discounted rates are only available until midnight on February 4th, so don’t wait! Together We Advocate is one event you won’t want to miss. On Saturday, March 1st, at Rolling Hills Community Church in Tualatin, you’ll enjoy informative talks and workshops, ample opportunities for fellowship and networking, and a unique chance to reinvigorate and renew your dedication to the pro-life movement. A huge part of making a positive difference in the culture is simply showing up. So, on March 1st, let’s show the pro-abortion leadership in Oregon that the unborn matter and deserve protection. That pro-life Oregonians are willing to speak up for them. And that we will never back down from our dream of an Oregon that cherishes all innocent human life.
I can’t wait to see you there! Because everyone deserves an advocate, Lois Anderson |