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The Democrats are mobilizing big time in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District — one of the most watched congressional races of 2020!

Nancy Pelosi’s liberal machine is pumping money into that district to try to flip this seat blue, and it’s imperative that we stop that from happening.

There is NO WAY we can win back a Republican majority in the House this November if the Dems get their hands on this seat!

If you’re able, will you donate now to help us reach our goal of raising money to fund our 5th District Victory operation?

5th District Victory Operation
[email protected]
Status: Pending
Suggested Amount: $23.76
Donate >>

With your help, we’ll be ready the minute after the winner is called in the primary – making sure our party’s nominee has the support he or she needs from Day One. 

Due to COVID-19, we haven’t been able to do any in-person fundraising events for months, and it’s still unclear when we’ll be able to again. That’s why it’s more important than ever to raise funds online to reach more voters and get them to the polls.

We need to build our war chest to make sure Nancy Pelosi and her ultra-left friends don’t steal this election!


Donate $5 NOW to win a Republican majority >>

Donate $10 NOW to win a Republican majority >>

Donate $25 NOW to win a Republican majority >>

Donate $50 NOW to win a Republican majority >>

Donate $100 NOW to win a Republican majority >>

Donate what you can NOW to win a Republican majority >>

We’re going to get through this, and in November, we’re going to elect another conservative to this important seat. 

And if you’re able – your help will make the difference. 

Thanks for your support,

Indiana Republican Party


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