From USA Carry <[email protected]>
Subject Here's that free weapons I promised you
Date February 1, 2025 4:06 PM
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[USA Carry] [3]

Dear Reader,

Recently we've been going a little overboard on these deals.

So much so that we're being told from the boss upstairs that _it's
time to call it quits._

But we're gonna sneak one more in before he finds out...

TODAY ONLY (we mean it) GRAB THIS INSANE BUNDLE [4] for just the
cost of shipping.

If you don't hear from me after you get this email, just know we went
out with a bang!

Why's he so mad about it?

Because this bundle is going live on our website tomorrow for $89.95!

But not for you... If you CLICK HERE IN TIME. [4]


P.S. If you're on the fence about it...

Just know you've only got a few minutes to claim it before we have to
shut it down.

So CLICK HERE NOW [4] before the regret sets in...

You received this email because you subscribed to our list. You can
unsubscribe [1] at any time. 

930 Village Center Circle
Suite 3-154
Las Vegas
United States of America

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