Good morning, John!
I don't want to take too much time from you, but we've got two incredibly important things to share:
Thanks to this incredible team, House Democrats blew past our End-of-Month fundraising goal -- it's a small victory in a time where so much seems lost, but we can't afford to take our foot off the gas if we want any chance of dismantling the Trump Trifecta.
It hasn’t even been a month, and already the damage Trump and his Republican Trifecta will cause is incredibly clear. Republicans will try to dismantle the hard-fought progress and democratic values we hold dear, and with one of the narrowest Majorities in history, it is going to be up to all of us to fight back.
House Democrats can't hope to flip the House without support from grassroots Democrats chipping in whatever you can in these critical, early days.
If you are able to contribute and help us kick off February on the right foot, you can do so by clicking here.
With Trump back in the White House, the
ONLY thing Democrats can do to block his disastrous agenda is to flip the House blue. Let's not waste a moment.
Stay tuned, and thank you for everything you do to elect House Democrats.
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