Here’s what happened this week in weed.
NORML Weekend Weed Read


Weekend Weed Read • February 01, 2025

A small pile of cannabis flower buds sits next to a cannabis joint

Ohio lawmakers are once again trying to undermine the state’s voter-approved marijuana legalization law. Learn what you can do to stop them.

An adult woman inspects a small glass jar of cannabis flower

Researchers assessed the impact of cannabis store openings on emergency department visits in 278 communities and found "no evidence that the allocation of cannabis retailer licenses led to changes in cannabis-related ED visits."

A Maryland flag pulls back to reveal a background of cannabis leaves

Annapolis, MD city council votes to end marijuana testing for public employees.

Map of the US with pending marijuana legislation
The Colorado Springs City Council seal on a background of cannabis leaves

Colorado Springs city council decides to place a ballot question before voters to overturn the outcomes of a pair of November marijuana initiatives.

A senior woman holds a mug while a caregiver adds a drop of cannabis oil to it

Researchers conclude that the daily administration of plant-derived cannabis oil is associated with significant improvements in a patient with late-stage Parkinson's disease.

A cannabis consumers sits cross legged on the floor lighting a joint

Scientists determine that cannabis is a promising therapeutic option for managing Crohn's disease with minimal side effects.

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