There is still time to fight Propositions 105 and 106 before the election on August 27th!
The Arizona AFL-CIO has organized a phonebank to vote NO on Props 105 and 106, and Phoenix DSA has voted to support this campaign. Join other DSA members at the AFL-CIO phonebank on Wednesday, August 21. You can sign up here.
As the Maricopa Area Labor Federation writes here, both ballot initiatives represent an out-of-state big-money attack on local labor:
Prop 105 would ban construction of new rail-based mass transit in Phoenix: killing light rail development entirely, hampering the expansion of union mass transit and construction jobs, and severely limiting the city's ability to provide new transportation option to workers.
Prop 106 purports to help public employees, but instead does the opposite - putting severe restrictions on new salary negotiations, and putting employee pension negotiations at a disadvantage. If passed, it could invalidate all city worker contracts that have been negotiated since January 1, 2018.
Help oppose these ballot initiatives on Wednesday!