The Muslim Right and their love for authoritarianism are also part of the problem. They share with the Christian Right a love of misogyny and homophobia, an affiliation for victimhood, and a captivation for blaming marginalized individuals for society’s problems, problems which are instead caused by the privileged few in power. It is these characteristics that have resulted in the masses being manipulated by religious leaders and politicians. As a result many in the Muslim Right voted for a criminal, a CRIMINAL. As we fight against this onslaught of authoritarianism in our daily lives, including the infringement of our right to dissent, I will not shy away from drawing attention to the Muslim Right’s complacency and collusion with the Christian Right and their combined efforts to undermine democracy and basic human rights by scapegoating feminists, the Queer community, immigrants, and anyone who may dare defy the singular vision of homogenized society they hold. The Muslim Right, who have always claimed religious authority and the singular power to define what is “moral” and “just”, can no longer claim to hold any moral authority. The hell they have helped create in America has endangered the lives of so many, including those who benefit from the life-saving aid we provide internationally. My first talk will be at the first Religious Nationalisms Summit in Washington D.C. on February 6th. My segment is titled “Zionism and Islamic Nationalism” and sharing the podium with me is Shelly Cohen Fudge of Jewish Voices for Peace, and a response by Mark Harrison of the United Methodist Kairos. To attend, please register here. All that being said, if you like our work or if this message resonated with you in the slightest, please support Muslims for Progressive Values with a donation because this is not a cause many are willing to touch with a 10-foot pole. Onward and upward… Ani Zonneveld Founder, President Muslims for Progressive Values |