These are the biggest fights we've engaged in for babies since Roe was overturned – a Supreme Court case to defund Planned Parenthood and a vital bill to stop infanticide.
Deadlines loom next week as we file in a monumental Supreme Court case. Planned Parenthood was caught selling the body parts of aborted babies and was defunded by some states. They rushed to court – and got it stopped – to save their taxpayer funding.
President Trump just defunded Planned Parenthood internationally. And if we win at the Supreme Court, states can DEFUND the abortion industry too.
After California passed a bill legalizing infanticide up to 28 days after birth, Senator Schumer and the abortion lobby BLOCKED a bill that would have ended infanticide.
It's depravity unlike anything we've ever seen.
As we fight on Capitol Hill to save babies and battle Planned Parenthood's seemingly unlimited – taxpayer-funded – resources at the Supreme Court, we need you. There has never been a bigger moment.
Donate To Defeat Infanticide and Save Babies.
We urgently need you to act with us at the Supreme Court to save the lives of countless babies.
Sign: Defund Planned Parenthood at Supreme Court.
A young Christian faces execution by hanging in Pakistan for his faith. Violent Muslim rioters burned down and destroyed over 100 Christian homes and churches, yet it was Ahsan – our young Christian client – who was falsely accused and sentenced to death by hanging. As our legal team on the ground in Pakistan appeals his case, take action with us to save this Christian's life.
Sign Petition: Save Christian From Execution.
We also just won a tremendous victory in court in Pakistan as justice was served against a Muslim man who brutally raped a little Christian girl. The horror that Christians like this 9-year-old girl face in Pakistan is unimaginable, but we are fighting case after case to protect them.
Read: Justice for Abused Pakistani Christian Girl.
This week was our colleague Tulsi Gabbard's Senate confirmation hearing to be President Trump's Director of National Intelligence.
The Deep State and the radical Left have unleashed a firestorm of attacks against her, going so far as to put her on a terror watchlist.
No one is more qualified than Tulsi to take on the job of protecting America and rooting out the Deep State. Take action with us to demand the Senate confirm her NOW.
Sign: Confirm Tulsi To Defeat the Deep State.
Read: A Bold Choice in Tulsi Gabbard for DNI.
God Bless,
The ACLJ Team