Mises Institute
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Europe Doubles Down on Stagnation at Davos
Daniel Lacalle
When governments subsidize low productivity and penalize high productivity with enormous taxes, the economy suffers. This is why Europe is stagnating. 
Should Greenland Become an American Colony?
Vincent Cook
President Donald Trump has openly called for the US to annex Greenland. However, Greenland’s residents don’t want to be part of the US empire. Unfortunately, this is another chapter in the sorry history of US acquisitions.
Most popular this week
The Grift That Has Been Joe Biden
Biden saved his worst grifting for his four years in the White House, where he managed to combine incoherence and incompetence with a lust for power.
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How the US Became So Dysfunctional, Oligarchic, and Corrupt
While political forces already were trying to push the US in a direction of centralization, the Civil War completed the job.
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Birthright Citizenship Isn’t Real
There is a common misconception that the Constitution mandates that the US government grant citizenship to everyone born within the borders of the United States.
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Featured Audio
The State vs. Homeschoolers
Ryan McMaken and Heather Carson discuss how homeschooling is a way to resist and sabotage the state.
Tariffs Will Not Make America Great Again
Making it harder to do business with Americans is not the way to help people already getting ripped off under our current political system.
American Satisfaction
Opinion polls and the latest electoral results are at odds with the facts as presented by government statistical offices. What is going on?
Only the Austrians Can Defeat Central Banking
Bob Murphy presented this talk at the 2024 Mises Institute Supporters Summit in Hilton Head, South Carolina.
Profit and Loss
In 1951, Mises gave an outstanding paper that made the summary case for the price system under capitalistic economic systems. In “Profit and Loss,” he explains how cost accounting is the critical institution that ferrets out social waste, ensures that resources are directed to their most highly valued ends, and how entrepreneurs respond to price signals. His presentation is systematic, relentless, logical, and ultimately devastating to the opponents of profit and loss.
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