The Trump administration is now even allowing the use of these bee-killing pesticides in wildlife refuges. Tell Congress to keep bees safe from neonics.



In just one year, beekeepers have reported losing up to 90 percent of their hives.1

Bees are dying off at unbelievable rates, threatening our food supply and our way of life. The culprit? We know one of the biggest causes of bee die-offs is neonicotinoid pesticides, otherwise known as neonics.2

Not only are these pesticides still widely used, but the Trump administration is even allowing the use of these bee-killing pesticides in wildlife refuges.3

We know what's killing the bees -- so let's put a stop to it. Add your name today in support of the Saving America's Pollinators Act, to protect bees from further exposure to dangerous pesticides.

When I think of spring, I can hear the quiet buzzing of bees hard at work pollinating the new flowers around my home. I hope to hear that sound this spring and for many springs to come, not live in a world where that experience is only a memory.

But even beyond that, without bees, we don't have food. Bees are vital parts of our ecosystem, working to keep our flowers beautiful and the plants we rely on for food pollinated. We can't let bees continue to die off when we know how to stop it.

Take action for bees: Tell your U.S. House representative to keep our pollinators safe.

Neonics have no place in areas that have been designated to protect wildlife. With strong legislation like the Saving America's Pollinators Act, we can protect bees.

Because if we can't protect bees in wildlife refuges, where can they be protected?

Add your voice today to keep these places safe for bees.

Thank you,

Ed Johnson

1. Steve McDaniel, "The Bees are Dying," Baltimore Sun, February 7, 2019.
2. Erik Stokstad, "European agency concludes controversial 'neonic' pesticides threaten bees," Science Magazine, February 28, 2018.
3. "Trump administration lifts ban on pesticides linked to declining bee numbers," The Guardian, August 3, 2019.

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Environment America, Inc.
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