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Minnesota Family Council


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"Trans Women" Are Men


Gender Dysphoria” is a legitimate diagnosis of mental disorder. It can still be found in the pages of the DSM-5, the manual of mental disorders produced by the American Psychiatric Association. However, unlike with other ailments, the accepted treatment for gender dysphoria is attempting to make one person’s illness into a universal delusion. That is a problem.

If a white person is under the impression that she is African-American, she will be laughed at - no one takes her seriously. This actually happened in the case of Rachel Dolezal. She may have a legitimate mental disorder - in fact, nothing is more likely - but no one thinks that humoring her delusion is a good thing, either for her or for society. Rather, it’s clear to almost everyone that getting her to accept her white ethnicity is the healthiest thing for her, and to encourage her in her delusion would be to make racial categories meaningless.

So why is it so different with sex and gender? Why is someone’s sex, which is even more central to their God-given identity than race, up for grabs? 

Read this original piece by MFC's Moses Bratrud on The Family Beacon.

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Fighting Childhood Sexual Exploitation


The shocking and shameful Jeffrey Epstein case has exploded across the screens of national media outlets, placing the heinous reality of child sex-trafficking back into the spotlight. Americans are outraged at what appears to be a closely guarded and organized ring of the rich and famous, both men and women, sexually exploiting our children.

There’s no doubt evil takes place all around us; permeating across all income levels, political lines, and ethnic groups. Sexual exploitation is a $99 billion industry. With that kind of profit, we know how high the stakes are for protecting our children from being exploited themselves.

We cannot and will not stand by and allow our children’s bodies to be commodified, their sexuality exploited, and their identities stolen. This is not a far-away problem only perpetrated by rapists in Manhattan penthouses or pimps in dingy motel rooms. Child sexual exploitation is a problem that is very close to our movement and one we address on a near daily basis.

Read the whole thing at Family Policy Alliance.

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Christian Printer Case Moves Forward


Next week, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys will be arguing on behalf of Blaine Adamson, managing owner of Hands On Originals, at the Kentucky Supreme Court. Blaine serves everyone; he just doesn’t print all messages. In 2012, Blaine declined to print shirts with a message promoting a local gay pride festival. Instead, Blaine offered to connect the requesting group—the Gay and Lesbian Services Organization—to another printer that would create the shirts for the same price. Unsatisfied, the GLSO filed a complaint with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission and alleged illegal discrimination based on sexual orientation. After seven years of litigation with two wins in the lower courts, Blaine’s case is set for a hearing before his state’s high court.

Read the whole thing at World Magazine.


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Protect Kids: Stop Comprehensive Sex Ed - Rally September 22 (Child Protection League)

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Child Protection League Presents


Sunday, September 22, 1:30pm

At the State Capitol

A bill that will greatly harm our children (Bill HF1414) is currently being pursued in Minnesota.  This is a radical movement to normalize all gender identities, teach how to have sex without the boundaries in marriage, and encourage sexual behavior that will harm children and young people long term. In 2019 MN House Bill HF1414 was passed by House Democrat majority that mandated Comprehensive Sex Eduction (CSE) in every MN School District. Although it was defeated in the Senate, CSE proponents have promised to keep the pressure on to force this mandate on all preK-12 public/charter school students in the State of Minnesota and beyond. We must stand together in full force.

We are looking for HELP in getting the word out on this SERIOUS ISSUE, because it WILL be back in the 2020 Legislative session. We need people in every corner of this state to get the word out that we do not support CSE and that we will have a STATEWIDE RALLY.

Please pass on information to people in your area to RAISE THE WORD about this dangerous legislation and about the upcoming rally put on by Child Protection League, an allied organization of Minnesota Family Council

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Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

Get Your Copy of the Parent Resource Guide!

The Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a welcoming school community.

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same!

Click to order your copy today:

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lThank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council's vision for 
strong families, communities and culture, through Christ. We are grateful for your partnership with us in prayer, legislative involvement and generous donations.


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Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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