This week, the Trump administration issued a directive that could cut off federal funding for programs like Medicaid, SNAP, school lunches, and others that working families rely on.
Thanks to pressure from people all over the country, they rescinded their order, and a federal judge also halted it. But we're already seeing Trump and Elon Musk scheming in other ways to slash these critical programs, all so they can pass more tax cuts for billionaires.
We need to act decisively and strategically in the coming days, and keep up the pressure. Here are two ways for you to take action:
Join the Working Families Party, Indivisible, MoveOn, and other movement partners this Sunday, February 2nd (8pm ET/5pm PT) for a strategy call as we discuss the plan to oppose Trump and keep our friends and family safe.
Join the strategy call
Then, sign up for our phonebank on Monday, February 3rd (2pm ET / 11am PT) and help us make calls to voters in key Republican districts, letting them know about these efforts to cut their benefits and urging them to contact their own representatives.
Join the phonebank
We are the opposition now. That means we need to convince Democrats in Congress to stand up to Trump's cuts AND make sure voters in Republican districts know the dangers of the GOP's plan to steal from working people in order to pass more tax cuts for billionaires.
More soon,
Team WFP