Dear John,
With the amazing support of people like you, Mercy For Animals goes behind closed doors to shine a light on the horrific suffering animals endure every day at factory farms.
As a former undercover investigator myself, I’ve witnessed helpless mothers wailing for days after being separated from their calves immediately after giving birth. Instead of nursing their new babies, mother cows are forced into narrow stalls and connected to milking machines up to three times a day, every day. They struggle to stand—their udders bloody and infected, dripping pus. The cows moan in pain, but the dairy farm workers pay no heed to their suffering.
That’s why the work of our undercover investigators is so important. We’re exposing the truth and fighting to protect farmed animals.
Want to learn more about the heroes behind our investigations? Please watch this video and share it with family and friends. |
Our undercover investigations have led to landmark changes for animals in factory farms. Animal abusers have been charged and sentenced for their cruelty, global corporations have adopted more meaningful animal welfare policies, and new and better laws have been enacted to protect farmed animals. But there’s still so much to do. You can help by notifying your friends and family of disturbing practices common at factory farms and slaughterhouses.
Now that you’ve joined our investigators to create a more compassionate world for animals, I hope you’ll watch our video to get to know some of them. Then, use your voice to help farmed animals by sharing the video with family and friends.
Sincerely, |
Lindsay Oliver
Vice President of Investigations |
P.S. Do you know someone who might want to become an undercover investigator? Visit our website to learn more. |