From Defend PBS Alert (via MoveOn) <[email protected]>
Subject Breaking: FCC is investigating PBS and NPR (sign the petition)
Date January 31, 2025 6:54 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Breaking: Trump's administration is officially filing an investigation
into NPR and PBS to undermine and attack the integrity of public
journalism—they must be stopped. Sign the petition now to show your
support for NPR and PBS!

Dear MoveOn member, 

Republicans are once again attacking public broadcast outlets NPR and PBS.
The Federal Communications Commission chairman, Brendan Carr, has
officially announced that they will be investigating if NPR and PBS
violated government rules by recognizing sponsors on air.^1

Republicans have repeatedly sought excuses to cut PBS funding. Donald
Trump has been threatening to cut all public broadcast funding since his
first presidency—spewing baseless attacks against public broadcasting and
even recently claiming that NPR is a "liberal disinformation
machine."^2 Trump's ally Elon Musk has also been on the record criticizing
and attacking public broadcasting. He even recently tweeted "Legacy media
must die" and "Defund @NPR" when they left his platform X.^3 While such
attacks aren't new, we now see how far Trump is willing to go to use the
tools of government for his personal agenda, and disappointingly we've
seen numerous for-profit media entities bend to his will.

[ [link removed] ]This is part of a decades-old Republican playbook to attack independent
media, undermine it, and seek to defund it. Will you sign the petition

All of that makes independent journalism so much more critical. These
baseless attacks against public broadcasting and the crucial funding
needed to run these programs create a real threat for Americans across the
country. Nearly 99% of the U.S. population lives within the listening
range of at least one public media station.^4 Every single person deserves
access to local news, educational programming, and independent journalism
without corporate and political influence—especially as corporate-owned
media reveal their willingness to bend to Trump's agenda for the sake of
their own profits. 

[ [link removed] ]In a time where misinformation and disinformation are at an all-time
high, it's crucial that Americans have access to important public
broadcasting networks such as PBS and NPR. Will you sign the petition now
to tell Congress not to cut funding to PBS and NPR?

Add your name: Americans deserve access to public broadcasting networks.
Don't cut funding to NPR and PBS!

[4]Sign the petition

Republicans attacking public broadcasting is not new—this fight has been
going on for decades. In 2005, Ed Markey was defending public broadcasting
against the Bush administration and said, "What parents and kids get from
public TV is an incredible bargain. The question is not: 'Can we afford
it?' but rather: 'Can we afford to lose it?'"^5

And over the years, MoveOn members have defended PBS again and again—with
hundreds of thousands of signatures, events on Capitol Hill, and "Save Big
Bird" campaigns that earned national attention ... and won! We can, and
must, do it again. 

[ [link removed] ]Add your name to the petition to protect PBS and NPR against attacks by
the Trump administration!

This fight is framed around funding—but this is really a fight about
access. Our most vulnerable communities will suffer from these attacks and
budget cuts the most. Millions of Americans rely on public media for their
news and educational programming. In many rural areas in our country,
public broadcasting is their main avenue for receiving news, emergency
updates, and more.^6

Every child deserves access to shows such as "Sesame Street" and "Curious
George." According to a 2014 report, PBS Kids reaches 80% of children from
ages 2 through 8.^7This is crucial programming for educational development
and brings joy to many households across the country. 

[ [link removed] ]This is all a part of Donald Trump and Project 2025's framework. Click
here to fight back against these attacks and demand that Congress support
PBS and NPR and not cut funding for any public broadcasting!

Thanks for all you do. 

–Alexis, Chris, Rahna, Justin, and the rest of the team


1. "F.C.C. Chair Orders Investigation Into NPR and PBS Sponsorships," The
New York Times, January 31, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

2. "Trump's threat to defund all US public media has NPR and PBS on the
back foot," The Guardian, December 28, 2024
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

3. Ibid. 

4. Ibid. 

5. Ibid. 

6. "Policy & Research," Alliance of Rural Public Media, accessed January
31, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

7. "New Survey Confirms PBS KIDS Is a Trusted and Vital Resource in
Preparing Children for School," PBS, February 25, 2014
[ [link removed] ][link removed]

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It was created on, where anyone can start their own online
petitions. You can [ [link removed] ]start your own petition here.

Want to support MoveOn's work? Donald Trump and his MAGA allies expect us
to give up. But we will not give them what they want. We will never stop
working to defend our fundamental freedoms and protect our democracy.
MoveOn has been leading the movement against right-wing extremism for 26
years, and we promise you that we will still be here every step of the way

Will you donate to power MoveOn's work to protect our freedoms and
democracy under Trump's administration?

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