From Adrienne Billings-Smith <[email protected]>
Subject Join the Immigrant Voters Caucus!
Date January 31, 2025 5:09 PM
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America has always been a nation of immigrants. In Connecticut, one in four children has at least one immigrant parent, and immigrants comprise 16% of our state's residents. Immigrants have become valuable U.S. citizens, enriching our communities and contributing in countless ways.
Acknowledging the need to further empower immigrant communities in our state, the Connecticut Democratic Party proudly announces the establishment of the Immigrant Voters Caucus (IVC). [[link removed]] This caucus is dedicated to uniting and empowering our diverse immigrant community, regardless of race or country of origin.
JOIN THE IVC NOW! [[link removed]]
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"Only in the United States could an immigrant witness, in just one generation, their child becoming Attorney General. I join the Immigrant Voter Caucus in inviting new citizens throughout our state to join our political process. Your engagement strengthens our country and exemplifies the uniqueness of this United States - a country built on diverse voices with liberty and justice for all.”
- Attorney General William Tong
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“ My grandparents came to Connecticut from Poland and Greece with nothing but hope for a better future. Voting is one of the most basic yet powerful, fundamental rights each of us has, and is the cornerstone of our democracy – yet immigrants don’t always feel empowered to cast their vote. I’m looking forward to working alongside the Immigrant Voters Caucus to empower and uplift the voices of Connecticut’s diverse immigrant community.”
- Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz
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“ Some of my most joyful moments as Mayor were participating in the naturalization ceremonies when new citizens – from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Europe, from everywhere in the world – took the oath of citizenship at the Hartford Public Library. I’m thrilled and proud that the Connecticut Democratic Party is establishing this Immigrant Voters Caucus because our country is stronger when everyone with the right to vote participates fully and actively in our democracy.”
- Luke Bronin, Hartford Mayor 2016-2023
Join the Immigrant Voters Caucus now and take action this new year by contributing to the work ahead. Your donation of $20.25, $40, $75, $120, $250, or $1000 will help us empower Connecticut’s immigrant communities and support Democrats up and down the ballot, all over Connecticut. [[link removed]]
GIVE $20.25 TODAY [[link removed]]
The IVC is the tenth CT Dems’ Caucus. All are open to anyone interested in policy and campaigning for candidates at all levels. Please feel free to explore our other nine caucuses here:
BLACK CAUCUS [[link removed]]
DISABILITY CAUCUS [[link removed]*10st7gq*_ga*MTEyNjgwMTI0NC4xNzMxMDg5NDM4*_ga_2489NQF9RE*MTczODAyMTI3NS4xNC4wLjE3MzgwMjEyNzUuMC4wLjA.]
LGBTQ+ CAUCUS [[link removed]*bcwokk*_ga*MTEyNjgwMTI0NC4xNzMxMDg5NDM4*_ga_2489NQF9RE*MTczODAyMTI3NS4xNC4wLjE3MzgwMjEyNzUuMC4wLjA.]
MUSLIM CAUCUS [[link removed]*bcwokk*_ga*MTEyNjgwMTI0NC4xNzMxMDg5NDM4*_ga_2489NQF9RE*MTczODAyMTI3NS4xNC4wLjE3MzgwMjEyNzUuMC4wLjA.]
SMALL TOWNS CAUCUS [[link removed]*bcwokk*_ga*MTEyNjgwMTI0NC4xNzMxMDg5NDM4*_ga_2489NQF9RE*MTczODAyMTI3NS4xNC4wLjE3MzgwMjEyNzUuMC4wLjA.]
VETERANS CAUCUS [[link removed]*lbhcxq*_ga*MTEyNjgwMTI0NC4xNzMxMDg5NDM4*_ga_2489NQF9RE*MTczODAyMTI3NS4xNC4wLjE3MzgwMjEyNzUuMC4wLjA.]
WOMEN’S CAUCUS [[link removed]*lbhcxq*_ga*MTEyNjgwMTI0NC4xNzMxMDg5NDM4*_ga_2489NQF9RE*MTczODAyMTI3NS4xNC4wLjE3MzgwMjEyNzUuMC4wLjA.]
Our diversity is what makes us strong here in Connecticut. Together, we can build a more united future for our state.
Adrienne Billings-Smith
Vice Chair
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Contributions or gifts to the Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee are not tax deductible.
Paid for by The Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee. | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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