01/31/2025 09:24 AM EST
CUMBERLAND COUNTY - The Maine Department of Transportation has scheduled full closures of the northbound and southbound sides of I-295 between Exit 10 and Falmouth and Exit 15 in Yarmouth during several overnight periods next month. These closures are required so crews can safely install structural steel at the Johnson Road Bridge project at Mile Marker 12 in Falmouth.
Closures of the southbound side of the interstate are scheduled for the nights of Wednesday, February 12th and Thursday, February 13th. Work will shift to the northbound side the following week, with northbound closures scheduled for the nights of Tuesday, February 18th and Wednesday, February 19th. Closures will occur between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. During these closures, the I-295 northbound on-ramp from the Falmouth Spur will also be closed. The same detour route will be used for both southbound and northbound interstate closures. Traffic should use Route 1 and Bucknam Road to get between Exits 10 and 15 on I-295. Construction schedules are weather-dependent. The contractor on the project is Wyman & Simpson, Inc. of Richmond. The construction contract amount is approximately $7.8 million.