Unfortunately, bigots saw the results of the 2024 elections and took it as a mandate to dismantle LGBTQ+ rights. They're already hammering away at equality. Here's just some of the anti-LGBTQ stories we're seeing:
Federal judge vacates Biden’s Title IX rule - Joe Biden’s rule barring discrimination for gender identity and sexual orientation was crushed nationwide. -- Politico
Arizona state senator ignores LGBTQ community, continues 12-year crusade against transgender students -- The Cooper Courier
Iowa Republicans Attempt To Remove Trans People From Civil Rights Act, Classify As Disabled -- ErinInTheMorning
Idaho resolution pushes to restore ‘natural definition’ of marriage, ban same-sex unions -- The Spokesman-Review
These headlines make it clear: they're not going to slow down, so we can't take a break either. We have to keep fighting and pushing back against hate. We can't afford to let these bigots take our rights away. Pitch in today to fight back against hate and power the next rainbow wave!
Thanks for fighting back with us,
Sarah LeDonne
Pronouns: she|her|hers
Digital Director, LGBTQ+ Victory Fund