Dear Friend,
The United States Postal Service is in crisis. Postal workers are on the front lines of the ongoing pandemic, ensuring we receive essentials like medicine and critical mail.
Postal workers deliver to every single address in the country, from big cities, rural communities, and even down the Grand Canyon. They are an integral part of our society. The Postal Service is once again under attack from politicians, who want to end the USPS as we know it and hand service over to private corporations.
This cannot happen. Tell Congress it's time to FULLY FUND the United States Postal Service!
The Post Office is a lifeline for millions of us, but if it doesn't receive critical funding, it could run out of cash by the end of September. While some in Congress are fighting for funding, the president and many of his fellow Republicans are blocking bipartisan efforts to get the USPS the funding it needs.
It's time for our elected officials to FULLY FUND the USPS and end efforts to destroy it. Sign the petition now!
Major corporations received billions in stimulus funding, but the Post Office got nothing. The Postal Service supports hundreds of thousands of jobs, ensures people across the country have access to critical services, and is an essential institution. Let's join together to protect an institution that predates the United States and serves as a lifeline to so many.
Sign the petition and tell Congress it's time to get the Postal Service the funding it needs to survive.
In Solidarity,
Jobs With Justice