Dear PFAW Member, We're joining with partners to deliver your petition signatures in just 5 days and we’re desperately trying to get 30,000 petition signatures from PFAW supporters like you. Corporations need common-sense guidelines for re-opening the economy and they need to be held accountable to those guidelines. Will you add your name now? We're nearly two-thirds of the way there already! In community, Charlie, PFAW -------previous message below--------- Dear PFAW Member, Mitch McConnell has drawn his line in the sand. According to him, any coronavirus relief legislation must include free license for corporations to endanger workers and consumers in the form of BLANKET IMMUNITY for any harm done in re-opening their operations. This is all part of the Republican push to allow companies to get back to chasing profits without regard for advice from experts or guidelines to protect their workers. Never mind that public health experts warn against re-opening many businesses too early … never mind that the Trump administration is preventing the CDC from releasing clear guidelines for businesses to re-open responsibly … McConnell and other Republicans are only interested in giving yet another blank check to corporations to shield them from all accountability for the harm they might cause. It’s an outrage. During a once-in-a-lifetime crisis like this pandemic, it is crucial that Congress not risk our health and economy for another reckless corporate giveaway. Companies need clear guidelines to ensure they are taking the appropriate steps to protect their workers and the public health at large. And companies that follow those guidelines deserve some protection. But absent those guidelines, employers cannot be given a free pass to trample their workers’ rights and endanger the health of all of us by making decisions that defy science and risk increasing the overall harm of this crisis. McConnell’s plan would give free rein to companies that fail to take reasonable steps to protect workers and the public, giving them no responsibility even when someone is injured or dies. Sign now to STOP McConnell’s plan to give blanket liability protection to corporations >> Thank you for your advocacy. Wishing you and your family health and safety! In community, Charlie, PFAW