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Archbishop Stephen Cottrell with Bishop John Perumbalath | Anglican Taonga
** Liverpool Bishop Retires Amid Sexual Accusations
By Mark Michael
Critics accuse acting primate Stephen Cottrell of failing to intervene when allegations were raised against his former protegé John Perumbalath, who retired January 30, continuing to claim innocence. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Inaugural Service Sermon Ignites Web Debates
By Meredyth Albright
While Bishop Budde explained her controversial plea on the talk-show circuit, a bakery launched edible tributes and members of Congress filed a resolution condemning her words. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Bishop Pleads for Peace in Congo
By Doug LeBlanc
Bishop Martin Gordon of Goma urges other parties to intervene in the long-suffering nation. His five-point plea ends simply: “People in the region want only peace.” Read on ([link removed]) .
** Theological Scrutiny Slows LLF Process
By Mark Michael
The Church of England’s bishops pushed back key decisions on same-sex liturgies and clergy discipline for nearly a year. Dense theological papers show work is being done. Read on ([link removed]) .
** What’s a Fair Share?
By Lauren Anderson-Cripps
A comprehensive analysis conducted by The Living Church of 93 of the Episcopal Church’s 95 domestic dioceses found significant disparities in assessment practices. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Embracing Latino Spirituality
By Omar Cisneros
True inclusivity moves past cultural stereotypes, empowers local leadership, and cultivates genuine connections that honor the depth and richness of Latino spirituality. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Letters to the Editor
TLC’s readers share their thoughts on Bishop Budde’s sermon and the perils of national division. Read on ([link removed]) .
** The Anglican Mug
By Mark Clavier
Perhaps the Anglican tradition, as a vessel for conveying the gospel, should be valued not for its coherence but for its capacity to bear God’s transformative grace. Read on ([link removed]) .
** On the Fear of Death
By Dane Neufeld
It is not just the reality that we will one day die that should inform our pastoral presence, but also the fact that even now we live only by the grace of God. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Ernst Jünger and the Spirit of an Age
By John Bauerschmidt
This early-20th-century German novelist and philosopher was a brilliant diagnostician of the times in which he lived, and may afford us a lens on our cultural moment. Read on ([link removed]) .
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