All gifts supporting our coronavirus response are doubled
Dear Friends,
Around the country and the world, our mental health has been compromised by the effects of the coronavirus crisis. For children with existing mental health and learning disorders and the teachers, school counselors and parents who support them, the impact is especially severe.
At the Child Mind Institute, our Student Success Program team has mobilized quickly to protect the mental health of students, parents and educators through this crisis. If you have the means,please consider a donationto sustain critical mental health support, training and resources for school communities that do not have the capacity to pay.
$25 allows a student to attend a digital social emotional skill-building workshop
$50 covers a teacher’s participation in an educator stress management workshop
$75 provides a school community with a comprehensive social and emotional learning toolkit
$150 allows a teacher to attend a group training on student mental health and COVID-19
$250 funds a teacher’s participation in group training and six weeks of follow-up peer consultation
All gifts towards our COVID-19 relief fund made before May 31st will be matched up to $150,000, thanks to a generous donor. On behalf of the school communities we serve, thank you for your ongoing support.
With gratitude,
The Child Mind Institute
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