This case is still going on in North Carolina, John, and we have to spread the word because the media is ignoring election theft in plain sight.
The North Carolina state Supreme Court stepped in to stop the certification of the election for a justice on their court, which is a huge breach of power and a clearly partisan action in a state where judges are affiliated with political parties.
For background: On Election Day, incumbent Justice Allison Riggs (D) was reelected by a slim margin of a few hundred votes. Her disgruntled opponent, GOP Judge Jefferson Griffin, sued for and received two separate recounts -- both of which increased Riggs' lead.
Now Judge Griffin has sued to remove 60,000 voters' ballots from the count, even though they've been validated in the recount. The state Board of Elections dismissed his request, but now his partisan, would-be colleagues -- the court has a 5-2 Republican majority -- have stepped in to adjudicate the election and possibly kick off one of their own.
Justices Anita Earls (D) and Richard Dietz (R) dissented while Justice Riggs properly recused herself, so the judicial stay on election certification was put in place by a 4-2, mainly party-line vote.
The bottom line is that the partisan Supreme Court is stepping into an election for one of their own members to try and reverse the results of the vote because their party didn't win. Opponents of voting rights are trying to steal this election in plain sight.
We've got to make sure everyone knows about this egregious intervention before these votes are stolen and the voices of the people are silenced. Will you chip in $25 or whatever you can right now to help us spread the word and defend these votes in North Carolina and so many other votes across the country? >>