James, Our event at the DNC will NOW be held at 9 am Saturday, Feb. 1st, at the Gaylord National Harbor Oxon Hill — just before 448 insiders vote on new party leadership!! RSVP HERE.
The DNC made last-minute changes to this event (closing the event space to the public, changing locations, putting out fake addresses, and more) — because they simply don’t want to hear from the grassroots — the people who donate, volunteer, knock doors for the party every election. This is unacceptable.
Our Revolution leaders have been on site since Thursday doing all we can to reach party leaders about the need for change. We hope you’ll join us to SHOW UP IN FORCE tomorrow.
These recent actions to shut out the public from the election process only prove the point and the urgency of the changes we’re calling for:
The Democratic Party must open up transparency, uplift the grassroots, reject corporate money and influence — and become the True Opposition Party we need to take on Trump and the Oligarchs.
The party refuses to change on its own. It’s up to us to take action and make the grassroots heard. RSVP to join us at 9 am Saturday at the Gaylord.
