To help save 398 lab beagles?
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This is not a fundraising email. It’s an important new petition to hold NIH accountable for funding rogue beagle experiments. Read below and take action! If you no longer believe in ending animal testing, you can unsubscribe.

Dear Taxpayer, if you could trade 39 seconds to save 398 beagles—would you? 

  • Problem: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is paying the Univ. of Missouri (MU) to infest 4-month-old puppies with hundreds of ticks. Blood-sucking insects will feast on these lab dogs. No anesthesia. No pain relief.
  • Solution: Our investigators also discovered that MU violated a spending law. So, we filed a federal complaint to investigate and STOP the money!
  • Opportunity: We’ve started a citizen complaint petition to pressure NIH’s boss. YOU can join the fight. There’s strength in numbers!

Extremely Urgent: Forty puppies have already been acquired!  But MU hasn’t purchased all the dogs yet.

Taxpayer, so there’s a big opportunity—but a very small window of time to intercept—before MU obtains the other 358 puppies.

DEADLINE:Send a pre-written citizen complaint email to DEMAND NIH stop the funding and hold the beagle abusers accountable! 


Missouri is ground zero for dogs in labs. This federal complaint is our best chance to win. 

But if we don’t show an initial surge of support for our complaint, the pro-animal testing lobby will gauge it as a sign of weakness.  

Even worse, Congress and NIH will assume pet owners just don’t care about puppies in Missouri—and 358 more beagles will become lunch for hungry insects. 

Just imagine how many beagles will be eaten alive, Taxpayer! 


"Watchdog group speaks out about test involving beagles, ticks at University of Missouri.” 
— Columbia Daily Tribune 

Let’s be clear about something: pets are family. Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay for experiments on our own family members.  

Let’s be clear about something else: the NIH should never force taxpayers to pay beagle abusers at universities that break the law!

Taxpayer, that’s why all eyes are on our federal complaint. This could be the TIPPING POINT in the national campaign to end all NIH dog testing!  


Taxpayer, this citizen complaint is the key to another WCW victory.  

Remember the 'Stokes 7'? Last time you stepped up, we filed another complaint documenting illegal kitten experiments at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.  

Then, the Inspector General started an active law enforcement investigation… and we took down the LAST confirmed invasive cat lab inside the U.S. government!

When you join our citizen complaint, we could do it again for the beagles.   

We also took this campaign to Congressmembers Greg Steube (R-FL) and Dina Titus (D-NV).

They said: “we are alarmed by the pain and suffering being inflicted on dogs and cats in NIH-funded labs with taxpayer dollars … we are writing to urge the NIH to support alternatives to harmful animal testing."   

Isn't that worth just 39 seconds, Taxpayer?   

Please take action—QUICKLY—to show NIH we mean business before MU purchases the dogs and feeds them to ticks.   

Justin Goodman
Senior Vice President
White Coat Waste Project 

P.S. CO-SIGNERS NEEDED: SAVE BEAGLES FROM TICK-BITING TESTS: We filed a federal complaint with NIH, but we haven’t secured enough signatures yet.Send a pre-written email to NIH today to help save the Missouri beagles! — JG.

P.P.S. URGENT DEADLINE: Taxpayer, I cannot stress how critical these next few days—if not HOURS—are going to be. NIH slammed through funding for maximum-pain tests. Now, we need to slam their inboxes with messages from outraged taxpayers. Most of the puppies haven’t been obtained yet. Please email your complaint BEFORE the tick-biting torture begins.


Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.

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