Dear John, I've got good news and bad news…
The good news is that we just won a huge case!
You may remember the case J.A. v. Luna. It has been a while since Harmeet first emailed you about this case so I'll very briefly summarize what happened.
In this case, a public school in the San Diego area falsely accused a middle school boy of wearing "blackface" after the boy wore eye grease, under his eyes, to a high school football game to support his home team. Anyone who has been to a football game would know that athletes wear grease under their eyes all the time. There is nothing racist about that.
But there is a cottage industry right now in education falsely accusing innocent kids -- usually white kids -- of "hate speech" over innocuous expression. It is D.E.I. on steroids and kids like our client, J.A., find themselves in the crosshairs.
J.A.'s school suspended him, recorded a "hate incident" on his permanent record, and banned him from future sporting events -- all because he put grease under his eyes.
But thanks to your generous support, our team of litigators took a stand for J.A. and sued his principal and other school officials for violating J.A.'s due process rights…and we won! The school settled the case. As a result, J.A.'s student record has been wiped clean of the suspension and baseless hate crime allegations.
Unfortunately, that brings me to the bad news:
Also, this week, our judge denied our motion for preliminary injunction in Doe v. Weiser.
You'll recall School District 27J, outside Denver, Colorado, provided our client's child with remote therapy sessions from a transgender therapist who counsels children toward gender transition.
No, Mom and Dad were not aware.
In fact, the school went to great lengths to keep the counseling a secret!
However, the child's mental health deteriorated so badly the school guidance counselor felt the need to call home. But…
The guidance counselor intentionally deceived the parents by carefully using the child’s real name and correct pronouns instead of the "chosen" name and pronouns used by the school.
Worse, the guidance counselor failed to mention the likely source of the child's mental health crisis -- the "social transition" taking place at school.
Now our attorneys are working quickly to file an appeal to get this unconstitutional policy off the books and hold these activist educators accountable.
That's why I'm asking you to donate $35, $50, $100, or more right away.
John, you know that parents have a fundamental right under the Fourteenth Amendment to direct the upbringing of their children. That includes being made aware of life-altering decisions made at school.
In fact, we won a similar case in California on behalf of Jessica Konen in 2023. And right now, we're awaiting word from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Aurora Regino's case.
I believe we will win on appeal, but that's going to cost at least $75,000 -- and we urgently need the resources to keep this case alive.
Can I count on your immediate donation today?
Make no mistake: Colorado, like California, is hostile territory for conservatives. That means the school district will have access to seemingly unlimited taxpayer dollars to try to make this case go away.
But parental rights must be defended -- and the Center for American Liberty will never back down.
John, please follow this link to make your most generous tax-deductible donation to the Center for American Liberty today.
You are the reason we can fight for this Colorado family and more than 35 other active clients. Thank you in advance for your continued support.