Kamala Harris said, "We must stay in the fight."
We couldn't agree more.
Donate now toward our End-of-Month goal to respond to Kamala Harris' call to action, stand up to anti-choice Republicans, and help elect Democratic pro-choice women nationwide:
John, here's where things stand:
FIRST: Donald Trump falsely campaigned with a "hands-off abortion" stance.
THEN: During his first week back in office, Trump passed an executive order that contained "personhood" language, which defines life as "beginning at conception" — a long-standing conservative tactic to criminalize abortion that has absolutely no basis in science.
NOW: If passed into law, defining life as beginning at conception would not only criminalize abortion, but could also threaten IVF, common forms of birth control, and even stem cell research.
Our fundamental rights are on the line, and we must stay in this fight, John.
Pro-choice women are our BEST weapon in the fight for reproductive freedom, and EMILYs List has already endorsed six candidates this year — with elections as soon as April! These women are committed to taking on Trump and his extremist allies across the country.
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Thank you,
the EMILYs List team