Mises Institute
Monday, January 27, 2025
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The Difference Between the Market and the Bureaucracy
Murray N. Rothbard
Without the discipline of profit-and-loss, the desires and goals of the bureaucrats, limited only by the prescriptions and budget of the legislature, necessarily guide policy.
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Should Inflation Be Defined Only as Price Increases?
Frank Shostak
Mainstream economists define “inflation” as general increases in consumer and producer prices. Yet, such a definition misses why prices increase in the first place and why inflation should be described as an artificial increase in the money supply.
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Why Joe Biden Had to Pardon Anthony Fauci
Biden’s last-minute pardon of Anthony Fauci was not done to spare an “innocent” person from abuse by dishonest politicians.
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Modern Piggy Banks
Pundits have labeled piggy banks small change, irrational and wasteful, “just sitting around doing nothing.” As usual, they are wrong.
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How the US Became So Dysfunctional, Oligarchic, and Corrupt
While political forces already were trying to push the US in a direction of centralization, the Civil War completed the job.
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Austrian Economics on the March
Joseph Salerno has long argued that Austrian economics should be developed not as an alternative to the current academic discipline of economics but as a replacement for it.
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Why the World Is Giving Up on Birthright Citizenship
Unrestricted birthright citizenship is increasingly rare, and with only a couple of exceptions, it persists only in countries with negative or near-zero rates of in-migration.
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Trump’s Border Crackdown
On the Dinesh D'Souza Podcast, Ryan McMaken joins to discuss the issue of birthright citizenship.
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Mises in America
The great essayist and economist, William H. Peterson, pens a tribute to his colleague and teacher. In this monograph, he describes Mises’s temperament and personality, as well as his scholarly contributions—all in Peterson’s legendary style. It is a fascinating portrait and moving tribute to a master.
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