Let me be direct, friend.

I'm reaching out to ask you to make a $3 donation ahead of tomorrow’s end-of-month fundraising deadline.

To be completely transparent, we're pacing behind our fundraising target this month, so I want to briefly explain why your donation today would mean so much:

The good news is that despite the dysfunction from the White House making the headlines, we've actually been delivering early wins for our communities in IL-17. We've dug right in on casework around the district, and I just joined the House Agricultural and Armed Services committees where I can have a hand in the policy that affects thousands of district jobs (more on that soon).

Unfortunately, actually doing the job of a Congressman comes at a campaign cost. I've had less time (read: none) to fundraise for my reelection effort, and that's not ideal given that National Republicans have already (yes, already) started putting out lies about me ahead of 2026.

Tallying strong fundraising numbers now will go a long way in warding off Republican misinformation and will even help prevent super PACs from attacking me. They'll see us as too formidable and not worth the expense. That's why this goal is so important:

Will you chip in a donation to help me meet the mark on my end-of-month goal? Please know that I only ask because it's critical to our campaign and flipping the House in 2026.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

It means so much to me that our work is powered by folks like you who chip in on emails just like this one. As we head into the next election, we do so knowing that our efforts will hinge on your ongoing support.

Thanks for your support,

