The coming months will be pivotal for our democracy -- but with your help, I know we'll prevail.

Friend, it’s been nearly 50 years since Common Cause first cut its teeth on Watergate, but our democracy has never faced the magnitude of challenges it does today.

The reason, of course, is clear.

Donald Trump has a history of questionable ethics, an open contempt for democratic institutions, and a demonstrated disregard for the rule of law, believing that no one can stop him.

Fortunately, you have helped clearly demonstrate that no one -- including Donald Trump -- is above the law.

Your help has enabled Common Cause to expose Trump’s outrageous and dangerous conduct -- then file hard-hitting lawsuits to block him and hold him accountable. Thanks to you, we were able to expose the deceptive efforts by Trump and his cronies to add the citizenship question to the 2020 Census. Thanks to you, we were the first to reveal his violation of campaign spending laws, paying hush money to cover up his multiple affairs. And thanks to your help, we’ve now launched a national mobilization, calling on members of Congress to support an impeachment inquiry into him.


In order to truly stop Donald Trump and hold him and his accomplices accountable, we need to have the resources to step up our efforts even more.

That’s why, for the entire month of August, we’re making a special request -- and offer-- to all Common Cause Members. If you sign up today as a Guardian for Democracy -- one of a special group who supports and sustains Common Cause with an ongoing monthly donation -- I’ll send you a free copy of my latest book, The Common Good.

Will you maximize your impact by becoming a Guardian for Democracy and get your free copy of The Common Good today?

Yes, I want to hold Donald Trump and his administration accountable >>

No, I can't become a Guardian for Democracy right now >>

Once again -- just as in those Watergate years -- the engagement and activism of folks like you have proven to be the best defense we have against the Trump administration’s attempts to undermine our democracy.

Thanks to your support, record numbers of Common Cause Members have worked the phones and organized in their communities to reach out to lawmakers and engage their friends to do the same.

And because of your help, we’ve been able to mount massive mobilizations, filling the halls of Congress and statehouses… and meeting face-to-face with your elected officials to remind them they work for you and me -- not big donors OR Donald Trump.

I hope you will step up and become a Guardian for Democracy. You see, the volume of attacks on our democracy is already testing the limits of Common Cause’s resources. We simply must prepare right now for what’s coming. And, the best way we can do that is by increasing the number of Common Cause Members who make a small monthly contribution through our special Guardians for Democracy program.

Frankly, this is one of the most effective and practical ways you can support Common Cause. Knowing what funds have been committed each month not only helps us plan and budget more efficiently -- it also puts resources at the ready to meet unplanned, unbudgeted emergencies.

It’s amazing how a small monthly gift of $5, $15, or even $25 can go a long way toward helping us increase our collective impact.

I urge you to please become a Guardian for Democracy today.

Friend, to put it as plainly as I can: the coming months will be pivotal for our democracy. We’re up against forces of hate and agents of greed all across the nation.

But, I’m absolutely sure of one thing. We will prevail, because we have the force of organized citizen power on our side.

Please let me know we can count on you by becoming a Guardian for Democracy today. When you do, I’ll send you a free copy of my latest book to say thanks -- so don’t delay!

Robert Reich, Common Cause Member and former Board Chair
and the team at Common Cause

P.S. More than 3,700 Members have already signed up as Guardians for Democracy, with an average monthly commitment of $17. Please let me know you’ll also do your part. Thank you.

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