Email from PM Press Free Crass x No Trump shirt, 70% off DVDs & CDs, the Kickstarter for Boff Whalley's new book! Last call to get the free shirt – Sign up before 2/1 CLICK TO LEARN MORE AND SIGN UP AT THE $30 LEVEL OR ABOVE TO GET THE FREE SHIRT These are the books you'll get this month with the free shirt! CLICK TO EXPLORE ALL FRIENDS OF PM LEVELS Last call to preorder But: Life Isn't Like That, Is It? by Boff Whalley on Kickstarter A new collection of stories about real lives, real people, and real life by a musician, writer, and founding member of Chumbawamba. LEARN MORE AND PREORDER Last call to save 70% on all DVDs & CDs with coupon code: 404 The three wealthiest Americans—Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg—sat in a VIP section at the second inauguration of Donald Trump. The core group of billionaires (who are collectively worth over $1 trillion) control the media platforms on which the majority of Americans get their news. It's never been clearer: we should not depend on corporate social media platforms. As long as it makes them money, these charlatans will support a fascist president, embolden the far-right, and censor anyone who criticizes the ruling class. While we figure out new ways to share information (and avoid censorship), we encourage everyone to spend less time on these parasitic platforms. Through the end of the month, we are offering all of our physical media (DVDs & CDs) at a steep discount. It's much harder to control a physical product than a digital one. We are not limited by the algorithms of the ruling class. Explore our DVDs and CDs and use coupon code 404 to get 70% off by 2/1/25. Explore all DVDs Explore all CDs Share Share Share View as Webpage PM Press | PO Box 23912 | Oakland, CA 94623 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice