Wouldn't it be nice to give Mitch McConnell a demotion?

Hi there,
Mitch McConnell is only as powerful as the gavel he holds.
No Republican Senate majority means no Senate Majority Leader McConnell.
No more anti-choice judges confirmed. No more extreme abortion bans attempted. No more conservative attacks on women and families.
Donate $3 to help hit our $150,000 End-of-Month goal and help flip the Senate.
It is not a long shot to say Democrats have a good chance of flipping the Senate.
If we elect Sara Gideon in Maine, Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, Barbara Bollier in Kansas, MJ Hegar in Texas, plus re-elect Sen. Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire and Sen. Tina Smith in Minnesota, pro-choice Democratic women will turn the Senate blue and demote Mitch McConnell.
Donate $3 to help hit our End-of-Month goal and help flip the Senate with EMILY's List women:
Christina Reynolds
Vice President of Communications, EMILY's List