From Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality <[email protected]>
Subject Notice of Source Material License Amendment Application - Strata Energy Inc., WYSUA-1601, TFN 7 3/152
Date January 30, 2025 3:01 PM
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Public Notice: Source Material License Amendment Application - Strata Energy Inc., WYSUA-1601, TFN 7 3/152

Strata Energy Inc. of Oshoto, Wyoming has applied for an amendment of its Source Material License (WYSUA-1601, Amendment 12) from the Land Quality Division of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality.  The license area for the mining of uranium is located in: a portion of Section 6 of Township 52 North, Range 67 West, portions of Sections 1-2 and 11-12 of Township 52 North, Range 68 West, portions of Sections 6-7, 19, and 30-31 of Township 53 North, Range 67 West, Section 25 and 36, and portions of Sections 11-14, 23-24, 26, and 35 of Township 53 North, Range 68 West, Crook County, Wyoming. The Ross ISR Project is approximately 20 miles north of the town of Moorcroft, Wyoming and within the upper reaches of the Little Missouri River drainage. This area can be found on the Oshoto USGS 7.5' Topographic Quadrangle Map. The mining operation began in December 2015 and is estimated to continue until 2042. The land, after mining, will be returned to grazing, agriculture (crop production), and industrial uses. This amendment to License WYSUA-1601, add lands, known as the Kendrick Expansion Area (KEA), to the license area. The KEA amendment will add approximately 7,874 acres of private and State-owned land to the Ross ISR Project Source Material License No. WYSUA-1601.

The Department of Environmental Quality has issued a Pre-Decisional State Decision Document to approve the license amendment application. Information regarding this initial draft decision and the application may be reviewed in the Office of the Land Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality in Cheyenne or the Crook County Clerk's Office, Sundance, Wyoming.  A complete index sheet identifying all proposed changes is included with the amendment application available for public viewing along with the initial draft decision.  Written comments or objections to the proposed license amendment must be received by the Administrator of the Land Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 W. 17th Street, Suite 10, Cheyenne, WY  82002, before the close of business March 22, 2025. Objections may also be submitted by the same deadline via the Land Quality Division’s electronic comment portal at [link removed]. Only the amendment is open for public review.  If an objection specifically requests a public hearing with the Department and is found to be an aggrieved party as defined in W.S. §35-11-103(a)(vii), a public hearing shall be held after the final date for filing objections.  

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