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Trump’s Immigration Executive Orders Explained
Podcast, plus summary and analysis of the EOs
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Washington, D.C. (January 30, 2025) — Immigration was a defining issue in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, and within his first week in office, he took swift action to fulfill his promises. In this week’s episode of Parsing Immigration Policy podcast, Center for Immigration Studies experts analyze the nine immigration-related Executive Orders issued in his first week in office, shaping the direction of U.S. immigration policy.

Andrew Arthur, Fellow in Law and Policy, and Elizabeth Jacobs, Director of Regulatory Affairs and Policy, provide an in-depth breakdown and analysis of these executive actions and their broader impact on immigration policy.
Bullet summaries of the nine executive orders
Additional CIS research and analysis on these policies

As the administration continues to roll out new immigration policies, the Center for Immigration Studies will provide ongoing expert analysis and updates.
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